SukoDev's Card

Some information about who I am!
Discord User - ˗ˏˋSukoDevˊˎ˗#0009

About me!

So, my name is Suko, and I'm a monogamous cis-female (she/her). I'm sixteen, and a voluntary age regressor; my caregivers are my friend Nate and girlfriend, Zara. I am currently emotionally unavailable so if you come to vent to me, please let me know beforehand because it can be difficult for me to empathize. It isn't an intention to sound rude or dry with my replies.A few other things about me is that I'm a gifted writer, an atheist agnostic, and a melomaniac, along with that I'm also asexual and aromantic. Also, I may possibly have BPD and ADHD but I am unsure of so yet (have a lot of known symptoms in relation to such). In short, my personality type is basically virtuoso istp-t, do some research if you're curious. I am quite a touch aversed individual and sometimes get in moods where I am sex repulsed or have a distorted mindset and self image so I apologize for any random outbursts that I may have. Some hobbies I partake in is trigonometry, digital art, and asl or American Sign Language this year. Anyways, this is all I have for now, but I may add some more information later. Thank you for reading."I wanted to live the life, a different life. I didn’t want to go to the same place every day and see the same people and do the same job. I wanted interesting challenges." -Harrison Ford


My love: Zara :) (12/18/21)
My goons: Elliot, Nate, Noah, Sam, Scar, Francesca, Julia, Xeno, Brianna, Alex, Toys, Veronica, Vincent, Sebastian, Cristina, Star, Luna, Benny, Phoenix, Piper, Jj, Ash, Max, Mariah, Abby, Jord, Rei, Skye, Rui, Leo, etc.

If you have any questions you can always talk to me on Discord. I'm available most of the time lol.

"I peel good." -Elliot
"I was reading a book on helium and I just couldn't put it down!" -Nate
"I'm a furry!" -Hatter
"Ngl I feel uncomfortable now, too much fingering going on." -Leo
"Stick a tree branch full of cocaine up your ass." -Toys
"And they say your ass can fit two raccoons." -Noah
"The cheese mans." -Jord
"I speak crackhead language." -Scar
"It's just a straight, long shlong lightsaber." -Rui
"I'll have to go to church tomorrow with my grandparents and get the unholiness sucked out of my soul." -Me (Suko)
"Man my life is complete I can die happy and horny." -Zara

v Favorite Songs v

v Poems & Essays I wrote v
I Come From A Place
I come from a place where the sky is always blue as the sun beats down on the vast terrain. When I felt no weight upon my bare shoulders as the wind would blow through my hair while watching the sunset cast on the horizon. Where the sunlight covers every inch of land and the turquoise ocean that surrounds the peninsula in which I live on, and the echoing sounds of the seagulls gulling and the screams of laughter from children outcast the bitter silence. Where every day the beach is surrounded by individuals who are either in the water or under a canopy, desperate to get out of the battering heat. Somewhere that made me feel happy. I went to a place where the darkness took away the sunlight that had once brought me the tranquility and warmth I used to feel upon waking up from a quiet sleep. I started to see the cruel truth that reality bestows and how unfair life is. Where I would pretend that the names I suddenly got called meant nothing. That they would never hurt me, but despite how much I tried to block out the harsh voices; I persisted to slowly listen to their cruel judgements, and I changed unbeknownst to my own self. Where everyone who knew me before started to see the change even though I believed I remained the same and they were just crazy. The steep downhills and harsh tidal waves continued to pull me down deeper and deeper into the dark void of vacancy, though I never thrashed in an effort to fight for my own sanity. I am going to a place where everything is a mystery. Where the hope and dreams I once had as a child turned into a fear of getting older. When I finally began to understand that my life isn't a fairytale anymore, and you must look out for yourself before you look out for the likes of others.
The Fox and The Falcon
One evening, a snarky young fox went out hunting one day for some rabbits and squirrels. Later throughout the day, as he was gathering up the last of the animal cadavers, a falcon flew down beside him who was rather old. The fox was startled and sharply turned to the elderly bird before letting out a sarcastic laugh.
“Who might you be, you geezer?” he growled, then continued, “Have you come to steal my dinner?” before looking back at the path he was originally following. “Why, of course not. I’m not a thief.” the falcon protested, soon being cut off by the fox’s laughter. “Not like you have any fangs to sink into my flesh anyways, unlike myself.” “My teeth are even sharper than those dull, old claws of yours.” the fox continued as he started scrambling away, beginning to become jaded as the falcon stayed silent.
Once the fox made it back home to his den, he saw that the area around it had been tampered with. The dirt was dug down and the flowers and grass were ripped out of their roots. As the fox dropped the corpses of the animals he vanquished, he scurried into his den, worried about if anything was out of place or stolen but was eventually seen as not. Before he could walk back out, it seemed as though the entrance was blocked by a thick pile of dirt causing his distress to rise and him to let out whimpers. Outside, the old falcon and his flock were munching away on the animals greedily. He let out a snicker, as he knew the fox would be stuck until he died as a payment for his misjudgments.
Poem For My Girlfriend
You can close your eyes and enter their soul. There, you see so much more than what's on the surface, and even still, I love the outside. For I see further through her eyes as they speak to me in a different language.
v Extra v
The color black is always superior
I do writing commissions
DM me for more insight